Pema Chödrön: join me in practicing tonglen for Nepal

Pema Chödrön has joined a number of other Buddhist figures in addressing the suffering in Nepal.

Lion’s Roar Staff
29 April 2015
pema chodron tonglen nepal instruction video lion's roar news buddhism

Pema Chödrön has joined a number of other Buddhist figures in addressing the suffering in Nepal caused by the recent devastating earthquake there.

Tonglen practice, she reminds us in a new Facebook post, offers us “the opportunity to work with compassion, kindness, gentleness and generosity,” especially in a time of suffering and confusion. Watch her short tonglen instruction below, and be sure also to read Pema’s helpful tonglen guidance from the Shambhala Sun, “Tonglen: Bad In, Good Out.”

Lion s Roar Staff

Lion’s Roar Staff

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