Chanting for Buddhahood
Shodaigyo meditation combines silent sitting with chanting to the beat of a drum. Ryuei Michael McCormick on how to do this calming yet exhilarating practice.
A Jewish-Buddhist Practice for Well-Being
Darren Kleinberg teaches a Jewish-Buddhist practice for holding the whole universe in your heart.
Loving-Kindness for All Beings & All Bodies
Metta meditation is healing and heart-opening. Arisika Razak leads us through the practice.
Silent Illumination: The Method of No-Method
The practice is to be fully here, with this body and mind, in this space. Rebecca Li on silent illumination.
How to Practice Bearing Witness
A three-step practice to connect with and serve those who are suffering.
Meditation: Be Kind to Yourself
A three-step contemplation from Kristin Neff to give yourself the compassion you need (and deserve).
The Magic Moment in Meditation
Sharon Salzberg explains how to practice basic breath meditation.