Review: “52 Simple Meditation Practices You Can Do Anywhere”

Mindfulness On the Go Cards 52 Simple Meditation Practices You Can Do Anywhere By Jan Chozen Bays Shambhala Publications, $15.95 (boxed card set) Zen teacher Jan Chozen Bays writes that mindfulness practice doesn’t require a quiet room and a meditation cushion. In fact, it can be practiced pretty much any place at any time. These…

Lion’s Roar Staff
26 September 2017

Mindfulness On the Go Cards

52 Simple Meditation Practices You Can Do Anywhere

By Jan Chozen Bays
Shambhala Publications, $15.95 (boxed card set)

Zen teacher Jan Chozen Bays writes that mindfulness practice doesn’t require a quiet room and a meditation cushion. In fact, it can be practiced pretty much any place at any time. These 52 cards contain easy-to-follow instructions for simple practices, like walking silly, using your non-dominant hand, smiling, going on a media fast, paying attention to the sensations of hot and cold, and contemplating a raisin. “Become aware of the movement of the air, both in obvious forms, such as wind, and in subtler forms, such as the breath,” she writes on one card titled “The Wind.” Each card also includes observations about insights that could come from the practice, as well as short inspiring maxims meant to help the practice unfold.

Lion s Roar Staff

Lion’s Roar Staff

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