Video: Kids say the darnedest things… about meditation

A message from kids who are participants in the programs presented by Baltimore Holistic Life Foundation. Watch it and just try not to smile.

Lion’s Roar Staff
15 March 2012

A little while back we shared with you the first book trailer for Congressman Tim Ryan’s new book, A Mindful Nation. In it — you can see it here – the Congressman shared why he believes that, when it comes to embracing mindfulness, now’s the time. Ryan may not appear in the new follow-up clip below, but the message comes through loud and clear, presented by way of kids who are participants in the programs presented by Baltimore’s fantastic Holistic Life Foundation. Watch it and just try not to smile.

For more on the Holistic Life Foundation, visit them online.

Lion s Roar Staff

Lion’s Roar Staff

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