Watch: “Hector” (aka Simon Pegg) goes to Tibet

If a good-natured, fun-loving film is your cuppa tea, you know Simon Pegg; think Hot Fuzz, Paul, Shaun of the Dead, and so on. Pegg’s latest star turn is in the title role of Hector and the Search for Happiness, in which he plays a psychiatrist who’s trotting the globe in search of, yes, happiness.…

Lion’s Roar Staff
3 September 2014
simon pegg hector tibet happiness

If a good-natured, fun-loving film is your cuppa tea, you know Simon Pegg; think Hot Fuzz, Paul, Shaun of the Dead, and so on. Pegg’s latest star turn is in the title role of Hector and the Search for Happiness, in which he plays a psychiatrist who’s trotting the globe in search of, yes, happiness. Over at IndieWire, they’ve got an exclusive, newly released trailer for the film, which opens mid-month.

Click here to watch it. (Link opens in new window.) Could be a nice antidote to Summer Blockbuster Overload.

Lion s Roar Staff

Lion’s Roar Staff

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