Watch the beautiful short film, SIT — plus a bonus clip

SIT is a new, short documentary film by Yoko Okumura, daughter of the Bloomington, Indiana-based Japanese Soto Zen priest Shohaku Okumura.

Lion’s Roar Staff
23 September 2016
The poster for Yoko Okumura's short documentary, SIT.

SIT is a new, short documentary film by Yoko Okumura, daughter of the Bloomington, Indiana-based Japanese Soto Zen priest, author, and translator, Shohaku Okumura. It’s described as “a film about purpose in life, seen through the eyes of a Buddhist monk and his son.” Producer Chris Ruiz has shared the film with Lion’s Roar “that we may reach more viewers and continue to dispel myths about traditionalism, closed-mindedness, and the rigidness attributed to Asian families.”

Watch SIT here:

Ruiz also provided a bonus clip from the film, in which a day of sitting zazen is condensed via time-lapse into into 37 seconds.

More on Zen and zazen:
Lion s Roar Staff

Lion’s Roar Staff

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